7 steps to a happy relationship !!
Relationships, as Khushnay approaches them, are the strongest cradle to human potential enrichment & at the same time are the fragile threads holding our emotional balance. What can be a better example than our day to day miseries that are often the fallouts of our misunderstanding with our loved ones. Though we cannot prescribe a potion for all, but as a practitioner of healthfying relationships , here are 7 steps that can help everyone manifest happy relationships –
Step 1 – Communicate. Yes, that’s it. Tell each other, be it your partner, parent or friend. If you want to heal, tell them how you feel and overcome even in the most deep profound issues.
Step 2 – Take it up as a mutual project . Let’s come to an agreement on improving that relationship. It is only a prerogative of one person, the load will fall heavier on one pair of shoulders.
Step 3. Use Spirituality or other belief systems for a healthy practice. If there is a certain belief system that is common to both people sharing the relationship, indulging in shared spiritual practices can be helpful.
Step 4. Do not Prolong mending relationships. Well most of us might be procrastinators with our goals. But when it comes to expression of your thoughts and feelings to each other do not prolong.
Step 5. Empathy without Antipathy. When you are upset about anything, try to express what you feel without blaming the other person.
Step 6. Listen, Listen & Listen. Good & Active listening is all it takes to be the supportive counterpart in any relationship. To be precise it has to be done in an open non-defensive way.
Step 7. Non-Judgemental Attitude throughout. Stop judging yourself then only you stop judging the people in your life. They understand it through your behaviour, words & actions. Hence in response you get back love, care & happiness.
You may or may not agree to believe in the Law of Attraction, Affirmations or Positive Manifestation. But one thing you cannot disagree with is the need for love, appreciation & acknowledgement of your dear ones. To make that give and take a smooth one we can strengthen every relationship to make our lives happy.With that motto Khushnay helps to harness healthy relationships, which is a possibility for all of us to achieve.
“I am just like you, flawed yet blessed.
I deserve just like you – forgiveness, acceptance & abundance.”