Embrace Light and Darkness alike
We all would agree that, journey of every human is through phases of sorrow and joy. Also we would agree that we tend to remember the higher powers more when we are in deep pain and seek refuge in our respective systems of belief. Well, this is the manifested function. Is there also a latent function to this system of belief?
It is in these times of pain, that one reflects and turns inward, we also try to make sense of what is happening and finding out ways to deal with the stress. From Buddha to Bulleh Shah all explain in their words, this truth sought as “knowledge “. The essence and importance of this message is beautifully put together by Rumi’s quote –
“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”
So, in Rumi’s words, the wound is the pain and suffering we encounter that puts us in touch with our inner selves, which is the source of enlightenment in our lives. It is in times of hurt, that we draw upon our reserve of strength. It helps in making us grow stronger. We don’t know our true capacity until we are tested. So it is best to be thankful even in bad times, as that is our greatest teacher.
Without darkness of pain, how do we know what is light of joy?
This light is intelligent and it is self aware. It is peace, power, unconditional love and compassion in one.
While we as a society celebrate the triumph of light over darkness, let’s celebrate our inward journeys where we learn to embrace light and darkness alike.