Self love leads to sustainable relationships

Are we ready for relationships ? Do we love ourselves enough? What does Self-love even mean? Do we even ask those questions to ourselves? This blog of Khushnay’s points out ways to love ourselves to love those around us and have fulfilling relationships.

We prepare for most events and even for our daily routine works. But we hardly spare moments to prepare ourselves for relationships. But what is there to prepare? Relationships are not tasks. Well if we look at the amount of misunderstandings, conflict of opinions and parting of ways on disagreements among individuals we would agree that some amount of mutual preparedness would definitely help in creating lasting relationships.

Does that mean we have to compromise on our happiness or adjust according to the other person’s expectations? Not at all. That is where the role of Relationship expert is required. To understand how we begin from appreciating the self and building an empathetic outlook, here are the 5 point rules presented by Khushnay :

1.Appreciate your time and efforts that you invest in your own rituals, your own activities Eg – Hobbies, Meditation, Reflection & Contemplation. Spend a healthy time doing your own thing to nurture your soul & respect the same in others’ schedules.

2.Remember you are the master of your own happiness. People in our life can only enhance the happiness that you nurture in yourself, but it is not their responsibility to make you happy. Make sure you take the responsibility yourself.

3.See in yourself what people see in you. Insecure people struggle to see anything good in themselves and are often dismissive of the positive things their partner/friends/family sees. In a relationship you aren’t just learning about the other person, you are also learning about yourself.

4.Accept your flaws and don’t get disheartened by any criticism. That will help you to accept others as they are.

5.Let love grow like a habit. So that love is in the action and not just the feelings. Make it a habit to make small expressions (just kind words are also enough) of love. That is all it takes to hold sustainable relationships.

Alas, we are all mere mortals with some or the other flaws and also abundance of blessings. Our qualities and goodness definitely supersedes our drawbacks. The same goes for everyone around us. Just when we begin to acknowledge and appreciate that fact, we have in us the ability to have happy and fulfilling relationships .

Khushnay will be more than happy to be your companion in creating the sustainable relationships that you deserve. Reach out to us to know more about self love and sustainable relationships.

May you be blissed and blessed everyday.

